
We find ourselves at a critical juncture in history, where our collective responsibility towards each other cannot be overlooked. In the face of humanitarian crises, it is not just an option but a moral imperative for us to come together and act.

Born to respond to the urgent crisis in Palestine, ShaperAid is a Global Shapers cross-hub collaboration, uniting hearts and resources to raise funds for crucial humanitarian aid worldwide. We stand united to protect the civilian population and care for the most vulnerable, embodying the essence of global solidarity and shared humanity.


To mobilize global fundraising efforts to deliver direct relief for civilian populations in need around the world, in partnership with reputable NGO’s that have demonstrated the capacity to provide immediate support on the ground. There is one objective for each campaign. For example, ShaperAid Gaza’s objective was to mobilize a global fundraising effort through Anera to deliver direct relief for families in Gaza.

Any Global Shapers Hub facing a humanitarian crisis is welcome to use the ShaperAid platform to mobilize for direct relief in their local community, in partnership with an established NGO.

Help & Initiate

What is a ShaperAid campaign, and why create one?

What is a ShaperAid campaign, and why create one? ShaperAid campaigns aim to provide humanitarian aid, raise awareness, and support vulnerable communities. By creating a ShaperAid campaign, you can leverage the full power of the Global Shaper Community to drive global fundraising efforts towards a humanitarian crisis happening in your community.

ShaperAid’s platform includes (1) global social media presence, connected across the Global Shaper network; (2) a large cross-Hub platform reaching all Shaper hubs globally, and; (3) a community of experienced ShaperAid team members.

If your community is facing a humanitarian challenge – whether due to natural disaster, geopolitical conflict, or any other cause – ShaperAid can be a tool to support you.

How do I start a campaign?

  • Identify if there is an urgent humanitarian crisis at hand, and if the ShaperAid Playbook is right for your community.
  • Research and select a trustworthy NGO to partner with. This should be an organization with established presence and demonstrated efficiency in fund allocation. (See page on ‘Partnering with an NGO’ for more details)
  • Set up a donation page with the NGO partner (or via a tool like GoFundMe if a donation page is not available), and keep open lines of communication with NGO.
  • Bring together a team of Shapers (from your own Hub or from other Hubs around the world) to join you on your campaign, and assign clear roles and responsibilities.
  • Connect with the ShaperAid team to initiate your ShaperAid campaign. Spread the word. Regularly create social media campaigns that can be shared via ShaperAid channels to reach Shapers around the world, and initiate your own local fundraising campaigns (example of Artists4Aid).
  • Document your progress and share your impact with the community. Once you reach your goal, celebrate with your NGO partner!

How can HUBS help?

  • Raise Funds: We invite your hub to participate in our joint call for aid and help raise awareness about the ongoing humanitarian crisis. Share the social media assets on your hub's platforms to spread the word. There are many ways to raise funds apart from direct appeals on socials. Hubs can do bake sales, talk to corporate partners, etc.
  • Spread the Word: Encourage your hub's network to join this cause. If fundraising in your region/context is challenging, please share the provided social media assets on your platforms to spread the word. You can create a post and share a story on the Hub’s social media platforms (Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.)

How can SHAPERS help?

  • Spread the Word: Share the provided social media assets on your social platforms to spread the word. Create a post and/or share a story on your personal social media platforms (Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.)
  • Donate if you can: Every contribution, regardless of the amount, counts.
  • Circulate the Media Kit Folder: Share the Folder with those around you so that they can also pass on the message.
  • Volunteer: If you have other ideas or skills you'd like to contribute, please reach out to your Hub Curator/regional coordinator/Community Champion. We value every form of support.


ShaperAid campaigns aim to provide humanitarian aid, raise awareness, and support vulnerable communities while leveraging the full power of the Global Shaper Community.

Gaza 188 contributions across 37 countries raised to support families in Gaza amounted to USD 23,117. Click here for more info.
Beirut In progress. Click here for more info.
Manila In progress
Dhaka In progress
Kozhikode / Wayanad In progress
Yours? Up to you

If your community is facing a humanitarian challenge – whether due to natural disaster, geopolitical conflict, or any other cause – ShaperAid can be a tool to support you.

Gaza Campaign

Funds can provide:

  • 2,351 blankets
  • 784 blood bags to hospitals in Gaza
  • 671 winterization vouchers
  • 939 mattresses to displaced families
  • 587 hygiene kits (includes hand soap, shampoo, toilet paper, toothpaste, and more)
  • 235 food vouchers to help a family meet their nutritional needs for 5 days
  • ...

Beirut Campaign

Humanitarian Aid Fundraiser

In the wake of the ongoing humanitarian emergency in Beirut, ShaperAid is launching an urgent appeal to provide essential support to displaced families. Our initiative focuses on sustainable, impactful solutions to address critical needs within shelters and schools. Here's how we are making a difference:

  • Disposable Kitchens for Shelters: We are setting up kitchens in shelters, equipped to serve 100 people per kitchen. These will allow families to prepare their own meals, turning shelters into temporary homes.
  • Saj Stations for Bread Preparation: We will install Saj stations to ensure access to staple foods like bread, empowering residents to make their own meals.
  • Gas Water Heaters Installation: To improve hygiene, we are installing gas water heaters and providing safe, warm water at key locations across shelters and schools.
  • Distribution of Hygiene Kits & Food Parcels: Ongoing delivery of sanitary and food supplies will meet the basic nutritional and hygiene needs of the most vulnerable.

Make an Impact

By donating, you are directly contributing to cost-efficient, life-saving projects. For instance, $400 can feed an entire shelter when we provide kitchens, as opposed to the $3,000-4,000 required for ready-made meals. Donate Now

Take Action Now

Join us in our mission to restore dignity and hope to families in Beirut. Share our campaign and help us reach our goal by amplifying our message across your networks. Support Our Cause

Follow Us & Stay Updated

Stay connected and follow us for the latest updates on our humanitarian efforts:
IG Shaperaid | IG Beirut Hub


Pre-Campaign Phase

Is the ShaperAid Playbook the right tool for my community?

Yes, the ShaperAid Playbook provides comprehensive guidelines and resources tailored to help communities organize and execute humanitarian aid campaigns effectively.

Does my project qualify for ShaperAid?

Projects that aim to provide humanitarian aid, raise awareness, and support vulnerable communities align with ShaperAid’s objectives. Ensure your project meets these criteria.

How do I get started as a volunteer organizer for a new campaign?

Begin by reading the ShaperAid Playbook, connect with the core team, and utilize available resources. Define your campaign’s objectives and recruit a dedicated team.

How do I find a trustworthy NGO to work with?

Research NGOs with a strong track record and transparent operations. For example, Anera is recommended due to its efficient fund allocation and longstanding presence in the region.

How do I keep track of the NGO’s operations on the ground?

Maintain regular communication with the NGO, review their updates and reports, and verify their activities through trusted sources and local contacts.

How do I find collaborators for this campaign?

Reach out through your network, social media, local hubs, and ShaperAid community channels. Use the volunteer form and engage interested individuals.

How can I engage the HQ and/or my Community Champion?

Communicate your campaign plans and objectives clearly, seek their advice and support, and keep them informed of your progress and needs.

What do I need to get started?

Access to the ShaperAid Playbook, a clear campaign objective, a committed team, communication channels, and initial resources such as the media kit and templates.

Whom do I talk to if I have questions about the playbook?

Contact your Community Champion, Regional Coordinator, or the core team members listed in the ShaperAid Playbook for guidance and support.

How can individuals and organizations contribute before the campaign launch?

They can spread awareness, donate funds, prepare promotional materials, and engage their networks to support the upcoming campaign.

What resources are available to prepare for the campaign?

Resources include social media templates, caption suggestions, the ShaperAid media kit, and background information on partnering NGOs.

How can I recruit and onboard other volunteers?

Use social media, local hub meetings, and personal outreach to invite volunteers. Provide clear information about the campaign and how they can contribute.

What legal and logistical considerations should I be aware of?

Ensure compliance with local regulations regarding fundraising and volunteer activities. Understand the legal requirements for partnerships with NGOs.

How can I ensure transparency and accountability in my campaign?

Establish clear reporting mechanisms, maintain open communication with your team and donors, and regularly update stakeholders on progress and financials.

During Campaign Phase

How should I structure my internal team?

Organize your team into roles such as communication, fundraising, logistics, and volunteer coordination. Assign clear responsibilities to each member.

How do I work with the Community Champion and Regional Coordinators?

Maintain regular communication, seek their input on strategic decisions, and coordinate activities to ensure alignment with regional and global efforts.

How can I work with my Community Manager at the HQ?

Provide regular updates, request support and resources as needed, and collaborate on broader campaign initiatives and outreach.

How can I effectively coordinate volunteer efforts during the campaign?

Use structured communication channels, hold regular check-ins, assign clear tasks, and provide necessary resources and support.

What are the main activities volunteers should focus on during the campaign?

Focus on raising awareness, driving donations, organizing events, and maintaining communication with donors and supporters.

What should and should I not communicate to those outside the team?

Communicate campaign goals, progress, and how people can help. Avoid sharing sensitive internal discussions or unverified information.

How should volunteers handle donations and financial contributions?

Direct all donations through the official campaign donation link. Ensure transparency and proper documentation of all contributions.

What are the best practices for corporate fundraising?

Build relationships with potential corporate donors, highlight the tax-deductible nature of donations, and provide clear information about the impact of their support.

How can we engage local media and influencers to support our campaign?

Reach out to local media outlets and influencers with press releases, campaign information, and ways they can help spread the word.

How can we ensure volunteer safety and well-being during the campaign?

Provide clear guidelines, ensure volunteers have necessary resources, and maintain regular check-ins to support their well-being.

Post-Campaign Phase

How will the impact of the campaign be measured and reported?

Impact will be measured through funds raised, volunteer engagement, and the reach of awareness efforts. Detailed reports will be provided by the core team and the NGO.

What should volunteers do after the campaign ends?

Continue to engage by sharing impact reports, thanking donors, and exploring opportunities for future campaigns.

How can volunteers stay informed about ongoing and future campaigns?

Stay connected through ShaperAid’s social media channels, newsletters, and regular meetings.

How can volunteers provide feedback and suggestions for future campaigns?

Provide feedback through surveys, meetings, or direct communication with the core team. Constructive feedback is valuable for improving future efforts.

Can volunteers continue to support the cause post-campaign?

Yes, ongoing support is encouraged through continued awareness efforts, donations, and participation in future campaigns.

How can we document and share the success stories from the campaign?

Collect testimonials, photos, and impact data to create reports and share them through social media, newsletters, and meetings with stakeholders.

What are the next steps for long-term engagement and sustainability?

Plan for regular updates to supporters, maintain relationships with donors, and explore new initiatives to build on the success of the campaign.



ShaperAid. A Global Shapers cross-hub collaboration.


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